A beginner bassist's foray into the unknown

Archive for October 10, 2011

Practice: 10/10/2011 – Major Triads backwards

I’ve been practicing the major triad pattern again today. This time, I’m doing it backwards as well. Its hard. I start the exercise going forward on the D string, and then do it backward. This is then repeated for the other 3 strings.

When doing this backward, start in the 12th position on the D string because 2 strings are needed to play each triad (middle finger on D-12, index on G-11 and pinky on G-14). Then play the triad pattern in reverse, so its pinky-index-middle instead of middle-index-pinky (5th-3rd-1st instead of 1st-3rd-5th). I believe that this is an example of a chord inversion. That’s when you play chord tones in an order other than root-3rd-5th. The same applies for more complex chords, like 7ths, 9ths and so on. Its anything other than a pattern going from first to last.

There are, of course, a million permutations that can be used to practice. The one I started with is an extension of what I was doing two days ago, but with the reversed patterns added in after the normal ones. It looks like this:
